I explicitly ordered Beta to meet me here at this time.
He was explicitly ordered to remain in Norway on the basis of his honorary rank.
As Kalif, he'd explicitly ordered that they were to accompany him on the flagship.
However, Sign's personnel refused to abandon the interplanetary hypothesis, even when explicitly ordered to do so.
Lumia maintains that Vizzini never explicitly ordered someone to kill somebody.
It did not explicitly order the New Jersey Department of Education to pay for the plan.
Their mandate from the Security Council does not explicitly order them to disarm the fighting factions, though there is some room for interpretation.
He was explicitly ordered to explore all channels that might turn out to be a North West Passage.
Goebbels explicitly ordered the use of the historical events for a film, which he regarded as highly suitable for the circumstances Germany faced.
Did he explicitly order the Ellsberg break-in?