Use of 0 to represent a null pointer is extremely common, with many programming languages (such as Ada) explicitly relying on this behavior.
No other legal system, so far as I can tell, relies explicitly on the principle that all human beings are created in the image of God.
Distance-matrix methods of phylogenetic analysis explicitly rely on a measure of "genetic distance" between the sequences being classified, and therefore they require an MSA as an input.
Note, however, that hard determinists often have some sort of 'moral system' that relies explicitly on determinism.
The process of map creation explicitly relies upon sharing and participation; consequently, every registered OSM user can edit any part of the map.
Although the antitrust laws did not figure in McMahon, the Court explicitly relied on the Mitsubishi decision and said that American arbitrators, like their international counterparts, are capable of deciding complex Federal cases.
The Administration's optimistic scenario relies explicitly on the "Zarnowitz rule."
Researchers attributed this difference to the prior exposure of many in the non-NINES groups to languages that relied less explicitly on word order for comprehension.
The foundationalism of Chisholm (1977) explicitly relies on the regress argument at pp. 16-20.
This shocked many present, who regarded it as divisive to so explicitly rely on whipped support from his own party.