He had a choice as the rage instantly exploded at the threat.
This is because caesium explodes instantly upon contact with water, leaving little time for hydrogen to accumulate.
A touch would cause them to explode instantly.
The Kraaqi battleship exploded instantly with no shields to protect her.
And as soon as I opened my hand to let it go, it just exploded instantly.
His head struck the hard earth, and the air before him exploded instantly into blinding light.
Looking at him, one had the feeling that he was like a coiled spring, capable of instantly exploding into action.
If the explosion touches another bomb, the second bomb will instantly explode as well.
One of the large Klingon battle cruisers, unable to raise its shields in time, exploded instantly.
If I managed to do that, the stick-ship might explode instantly into a cloud of radioactive dust.