Ramjets try to exploit the very high dynamic pressure within the air approaching the intake lip.
Ecotones are particularly significant for mobile animals, as they can exploit more than one set of habitats within a short distance.
Can somebody exploit those weaknesses within the prevailing "long-term is thirty months" mindset?
Political campaigns use wedge issues to exploit tension within a targeted population.
He himself, however, immediately began "exploiting anyone within reach."
He moved to "exploit the divisions within the ranks of the reformers" and eliminate the Majles.
This unit was being moved, not to join the others deployed against his airborne infantrymen, but to exploit a weakness within minutes instead of hours.
Weirdways are pathways that exploit the veins of Nothing within the House.
This gives greater protection to local fishermen, who are quite capable of exploiting every resource within that limit.
The terrorists exploited deep institutional failings within our government.