Bombings are among the most difficult cases to solve, because the explosion can obliterate evidence and the bomber can be far away when the device goes off.
The explosion obliterated 13 employee trailers and damaged 27 others as far as 1,000 feet away.
Scavengers had carried away or eaten what the explosion had not obliterated.
The giant explosion 'obliterated' his terraced home in Aldershot, Hants.
The blinding explosion would have obliterated the shuttlecraft as well, were it not for the shields already up, protecting the aft quarter.
More likely, the resulting explosion would obliterate them all before the creature could take more than a bite.
Although the explosion obliterates the complex above him, Olafson survives along with Captain Ochre.
Multiple explosions obliterated the jungle.
The explosion from the first hydrogen bomb obliterated a Pacific island one mile in diameter.
The explosion of ice obliterated the view.