The region has experienced occasional phreatic volcanic eruptions, caused by explosive outbursts of steam trapped below the surface.
The play's resolution, however, takes place on July 5, the day and also the decade after the patriotic fireworks and explosive emotional outbursts have faded.
He was intrigued by the evidence for explosive outbursts of activity in the Universe, such as the activity associated with quasars.
The sounds of breaking glass mingled with explosive outbursts dogged his steps.
Morik rubbed a hand across his bruised throat, momentarily stunned by the explosive outburst.
This explosive outburst could signal a serious challenge to the 30-year-long rule of Indonesia's leader, Suharto.
Bike rage is related to other explosive outbursts of anger such as road rage.
Bevan's political career in its earlier years was compromised by explosive outbursts of anger.
In other cases, a volcano may simply surge lava without an explosive outburst or may combine both types of action.
This pushes Gatsby to his breaking point, and he has an explosive outburst of anger, much to his own dismay.