A shrewd politician with an explosive personality, he was a man of action who was impatient with indecisiveness.
Antonio Ezequiel was also known for his explosive personality and cocaine addiction.
Untamed nature that threaten to wield explosive personality, warlike violence.
In Boyd's case, however, even the pitcher admits there were extenuating circumstances, many having to do with his explosive personality.
Then he had this explosive personality.
In fact, creating these complex structures causes lots of stress when explosive personalities and materials meet.
This explosive personality would remain with Donald for decades to come.
Through the years, Ditka's explosive personality has riled his employers, players, assistants and peers and even his cardiologist.
"Cracker" Bob was owner of an explosive and eccentric personality.
"I believe that anyone who has such an explosive personality needs to look into getting some professional help," Ms. Bryan said.