There was another deafening explosive roar of earth-thunder.
At this spectacular signal, the giant swastika burst into flame with an explosive roar that set the soul humming.
Blade's contemplation of the river was broken by a sudden, explosive roar that could not have come from any normal human throat.
He knew that Frick dared not risk the explosive roar of gunfire in that quiet apartment.
From outside there was an explosive roar as the Estelle's engines started up.
The thwack of his bullet was lost in the explosive roar of the gun.
Then a bright flame shot up high into the air, toward the beginning of the promontory, and an instant later the explosive roar reached Lyons's ears.
A moment later came an explosive roar as a large serac somewhere close above came crashing down.
An explosive roar erupted from a side corridor.
An explosive roar, apparently from an electrical explosion, followed the collision as the two Amtrak locomotives and several other cars jumped the tracks.