Over this period he became irritable and developed an "explosive" temper.
With that red hair and those green eyes, you'd expect an explosive temper, but she wasn't like that at all.
By the time Courtney was six or seven years old, he had a violent, explosive temper.
He would avoid the appearance of having an explosive temper or being assaultive in nature.
His wife finally gives up arts and due to her explosive temper decides to fight alongside him.
The danger Lake did face as a 14-year-old was more terrestrial: his father's explosive temper.
He had an explosive temper and a frame as large as a man's.
He has had limited trial experience in recent years and is known for an explosive temper.
Appears easygoing, but can also have an explosive temper like his mother.
That in itself wasn't unusual, as the colonel was known for his explosive temper.