She was obviously eager to get off the explosive topic of a venture in defiance of the Old Folk.
One of the film's producers, Daniel Birman Ripstein of Alameda films, who is Arturo Ripstein's nephew, said he knew the movie broached an explosive topic.
It is rare for a C.I.A. officer to publish a book while still serving at the agency and highly unusual for the book to focus on such a politically explosive topic.
His last five lectures in his 1871-1872 laws of the nations course specifically discussed the explosive topic of liberalism.
A second part of the effort involves the potentially explosive topic of identifying thousands of religious schools, which typically have not been regulated, and imposing standards on them.
Now, Mr. Botero, 73, who lives in Paris and New York, has taken on an even more explosive topic: the torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
But in a world in which resurgent anti-Semitism has become - sometimes literally - an explosive topic, the movie may well hit a particular nerve, especially in Europe.
It is not unusual for publishers to capitalize on the success of a book about an explosive topic by rushing to print with books of their own.
The timing of Mr. Dole's remarks on such an explosive topic puzzled several Republicans.
Predictable Reaction The loss prompted the predictable ordering of extra workouts and Green's promise to address the explosive topic of "accepting losing."