In any case, the move is a potential blow to the explosively popular but embattled Napster, which was created last year and already faces several lawsuits.
While its explosively popular Web site is free, YouTube's phone-based version will require a $15-a-month subscription to a Verizon Wireless service called VCast.
This proved to be explosively popular, beginning (or fueling) a vogue for madrigal composing and singing in England which lasted into the first two decades of the 17th century.
He has the real Chuck Culkin cooped up in his mansion, producing new Billy Bat comics that prove explosively popular.
On these explosively popular sites, the Web is not so much a publication as a global conversation.
Napster, an explosively popular service, has about 65 million registered users, whom it allows to freely exchange music they store on their home computers.
It is something that is completely different, often illegal and, thanks to the Internet, becoming explosively popular.
Commercial time for the 14-week run of "Home Videos" through May was largely sold at rates that were set before ABC realized how explosively popular the show was going to be.
Can the Walkman, the product that began the portable music revolution 26 years ago, make a comeback against the explosively popular iPod?
When the record companies sued Napster, they asserted that its online music service, which was explosively popular, abetted copyright infringement by letting users freely exchange songs over the Internet.