Finland's exports to the Soviet Union have collapsed, it said.
In 1993 exports collapsed to a level 10 percent lower than in the last year of Communist rule.
Hungary's gross domestic product has fallen 20 percent in the last four years as exports of agricultural and other goods collapsed and factories cut production.
But the recovery was not sustainable as the economy shifted back to a war footing and exports collapsed under the heavy hand of bureaucratic planning.
Last year, for instance, when exports collapsed, the corporation imposed a levy of $1 a kilogram to offset lost revenues.
When exports to Russia collapsed, what did the European Union do?
Public revenues and exports collapsed in 1998 and 1999 due to the repercussions of the Asian financial crisis.
Its traditional exports, coffee and sugar, have collapsed, and manufacturing has been in decline for decades.
Our exports to the region have collapsed.
The economy is in ruins; exports and tourism, once flourishing sources of income, have collapsed.