"America's export competitiveness has suffered as a result of today's decision," Ms. Hausser argued.
In real exchange rates, Singapore's export competitiveness against the U.S. has deteriorated 12 percent since 1978.
There is an increasing body of empirical evidence about the impact of trade facilitation on export competitiveness and growth.
Rising currencies would tend to cancel out any additional export competitiveness gained as a result of the yuan's rise, however.
Another big problem will be coping with the yen's rise, which squeezes export competitiveness.
Pakistan's central bank then stabilised the exchange rate by lowering interest rates and buying dollars, in order to preserve the country's export competitiveness.
Under these circumstances, increased action in the area of promotion and information is the only way to maintain the export competitiveness of EU agricultural products.
We need to reinforce export competitiveness where needed and domestic demand where needed and possible.
Aerospace is an explicit and essential element in Japan's move toward an economy based on sustainable export competitiveness.
"Their export competitiveness is diminishing," one diplomat here said.