The production and export of oil that began in the early 1970s, coupled with dramatic international price increases for petroleum, contributed significantly to unprecedented economic growth.
Both domestic demand (mainly consumption) boosted by large increases in government spending, and exports of goods and services contributed to this favorable performance.
Record imports and falling exports contributed to a 10% increase in the US trade deficit in November, official figures show.
"Net exports will contribute less to economic growth, or even make a negative contribution."
The federal government decided that exports of vegetables were contributing to the soaring inflation rate, and banned them.
According to the department's latest figures, exports contributed $3.8 billion to the Connecticut economy in 1989, a 17 percent increase from the previous year.
Similarly, economists disagree on how significantly exports have contributed to the recovery.
Lower exports and higher imports contributed about equally to the December expansion, which analysts said partly reflected the sharp rise in the international value of the dollar.
Mineral exports contribute substantially to the national economy of Tajikistan.
Although multinational corporations dominate Ireland's export sector, exports contribute significantly to the national income.