In January, exports decreased 41% and imports decreased 26% from the year before.
However, it is interesting to note that in four of the sectors where small company exports dominate, exports have actually decreased from the 1989 levels.
Compared to 2005, export decreased 27.2% and import decreased 13.7%.
Based on this fact, exports are decreasing sharply, which is ultimately affecting the economy of the country.
Although exports decreased in the years immediately after the genocide, in 2007 they were estimated at approximately $17 million, a 20% increase over 2006.
China used to be a major coal exporter, but exports have decreased and China may soon become a net importer.
While exports to Japan have decreased in recent years because of increasing prices, the market in China is expected to soar.
The volume of imported fish increased by 31% from 1990 to 1999, whereas exports decreased by 0.4% over the same period.
Silk and rice prices plummeted and exports decreased 50%.
Over all, net exports decreased 0.1 percent for the quarter from a quarter earlier.