Sugarcane, bananas, coconuts, tobacco, and cotton also were grown in the Costa for export purposes.
A number of precious stones are mined and polished for local as well as export purposes.
The French themselves do not use the term, except for export purposes.
Punjab and Haryana grow prized rice for export purposes.
The gun was initially designed by Swedish manufacturer Bofors, mainly for export purposes.
Shark fisheries continue to be exploited, particularly for export purposes.
It was inefficient, but beef, pork, and grain always found a luxury market and could be used for export purposes.
In the recent past, home furnishing items are also woven, mainly for export purposes.
Subsequently, the missiles were given the western name of "Python" by the parent company for export purposes, starting with the Python-3 in 1978.
In the past 2 years there is good demand of Basmati rice in India and even for export purposes.