Its economic base was groundnut trade, exporting large quantities of nuts to Europe.
In the aftermath of the war, Kuwait will not export major quantities of oil for 9 to 12 months.
By the 1890s Jardines were exporting large quantities of Keemun.
The modern transportation network connects it to the world at large, enabling it to export great quantities of wine and attract many tourists.
"Maybe in one year's time we will be able to export small quantities of oil, but not before," Mr. Murad said.
He continued to export large quantities of heroin into Europe and his interests extended to the US.
At present, the Iraqi Government is even allowed to export unlimited quantities of oil in order to procure humanitarian aid.
Otherwise, the chlor-alkali industry, which has the largest stocks of mercury in Europe, will export huge quantities of it.
Wine cooperatives were formed and successfully increased production by exporting large quantities of wine in bulk.
Besides this cotton, the Sicilians exported large quantities of wheat, cheese and processed meats.