In the same year, Latin American exports to the rest of the world stagnated.
In contrast, Japanese car exports face tariffs of 20 to 30 percent and exports have stagnated at 20,000 cars.
But because of the dollar's high value, imports from other countries soared and exports stagnated.
Imports are down, exports stagnated, unemployment rising, wages are shrinking in real terms, none of these add up to an interest rate rise being essential.
By 1985, this became a huge and growing deficit, largely because imports soared while exports stagnated.
Imports escalated, exports stagnated and the resulting trade deficit set unhealthy records.
The high dollar brought on a flood of imports, exports stagnated and the nation's trade balance plunged into deep deficit.
With Japan perennially weak, and Europe doing little to stimulate its own demand, our exports have stagnated as imports grow.
Imports were flooding in as Thais bought foreign luxury goods, and exports stagnated.
Over the last two years, imports have grown steadily, while exports have stagnated or dropped.