Chile has emerged as the world's number one copper producer and exports have tripled since the early in 1980s.
Our exports to China rose more than 18 percent last year and have tripled in the last decade.
American exports overseas have more than tripled since the late 70's, when domestic smoking rates began to decline.
Between 1995 and 2000, exports of assembled products in Mexico tripled, and the rate of the industry's growth amounted to about one new factory per day.
This country's exports of automobile parts to the United States tripled last year.
In contrast, the province's manufactured exports have tripled during the 1990's, surpassing agricultural exports last year for the first time.
Between 1850 and 1875, Hungary's farms prospered: grain prices were high, and exports tripled.
Canadian exports to Australia - principally timber, canned salmon and manufactured farm implements - tripled in value between 1892 and 1900.
While smoking in the United States has declined 20 percent in the last two decades, exports of American cigarettes have more than tripled.
China, whose exports have more than tripled in the last decade, is the only non-market economy that has become a major exporter to the United States.