If the political situation stabilizes, high crime levels wane, and new investment increases, tourism could take its place next to export-oriented manufacturing (the assembly sector) as a potential source of foreign exchange.
If it is export-oriented manufacturing, so much the better.
Tourism, export-oriented manufacturing, and offshore banking activity have assumed larger roles.
The Coega IDZ is a phased development around industry clusters with Custom Secure Areas dedicated for export-oriented manufacturing for companies located in the zone.
Chihuahua's economy has a strong focus on export-oriented manufacturing (i.e. maquiladora).
But this time, one of the few bright spots in the economy has been export-oriented manufacturing.
The chaebol were heavily invested in export-oriented manufacturing, neglecting the domestic market, and exposing the economy to any downturns in overseas markets.
By the same token Mr. Sachs wants to make tropical countries as attractive as possible to export-oriented manufacturing, which he sees as the main chance for improving living standards.
The agricultural, tourism, export-oriented manufacturing, and offshore-banking sectors are being developed and are now taking larger roles in the country's economy.
Areas of opportunity for U.S. businesses include tourism, construction, and simple export-oriented manufacturing, such as garments and electrical appliance assembly.