Calls for the privatisation of any organisations producing exportable goods.
Heavy industries, created by the Communists largely to produce exportable goods to the Soviet Union, face a catastrophic shrinkage of markets.
Iceland already converts its surplus electricity into exportable goods and hydrocarbon replacements.
Minimal or zero government control and regulation of trade is the favored liberal policy, which calls for the privatisation of any organisations producing exportable goods.
High tariff walls by the union against the region's most exportable goods - steel and textiles - remained in place.
In international economics and international trade, terms of trade or TOT is (Price of exportable goods)/(Price of importable goods).
"We can't compete with slave labor," he said, referring to China's use of prisoners to make exportable goods.
The Roman Empire produced few exportable goods.
Cultures able to produce exportable goods and services will dominate those that can't.
But it will take months, perhaps years, before local industry will produce enough exportable goods to allow for full convertibility of the crown.