Early on, he exposed claims about Judeo-Masonic domination as canards, and noted that antisemitism was a negative reaction to the Jews' own status as natural innovators in both politics and culture.
Alchemists like Michael Maier and Heinrich Khunrath wrote tracts exposing fraudulent claims of gold making.
He claimed it exposed American claims of supporting human rights as "false".
Massey was also an accomplished stage magician who took a special interest in exposing fraudulent claims of paranormal powers.
Apart from this, negative public relations helps to expose legitimate claims against one.
Showing excessive pride in his son, John Jameson, he is obsessed with exposing fraudulent claims to heroism, and is therefore always demanding pictures of Spider-Man so that he can continue his smear campaign against the vigilante.
A debunker is a person who attempts to expose or discredit claims believed to be false, exaggerated or pretentious.
Those rumors were amplified by self-appointed "cult buster," Sima Nan, who has made a career of exposing fraudulent claims by qi gong masters.
It seems that a primary concern in his work is to expose certain postmodern philosophical claims (and certain ecclesial attempts to work with them) as not actually postmodern enough, pointing out instead that they too have accepted the agenda set by the enlightenment.
James Randi, a professional magician who exposes supernatural claims, has known Mr. Park for more than 10 years.