The observatory is believed to have cataloged more than a lakh stars, exposed thousands of photos during Nizam period.
The vast depot was blown up by American soldiers shortly after the war, potentially exposing thousands of troops to low levels of nerve gas.
Bear-safety training exposed thousands of workers to factual information about bears, and money from the settlement fund was used for funding land acquisitions.
"I have no intention of exposing thousands of young people to this sort of danger," Baudis said.
But he added that if terrorists used an aerosol to expose thousands of Americans, the plan would not prevent a significant number of deaths.
Jannus performed 42 aerial exhibitions during the trip, exposing thousands of people in the central and southern United States to aviation.
That may have exposed thousands of troops to sarin, a nerve gas.
Texas became the focal point for the industry's disaster in part because plunging oil prices exposed thousands of real estate deals as hopelessly overvalued.
Alessi has performed with a partner in a wheelchair since 1995, exposing tens of thousands of children to physically integrated dance.
No teaching whose net effect exposes thousands of young men and women to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus can be considered moral.