His eyes, almost the only exposed part of him, kept trying to freeze open.
The most exposed part of the town is to the east.
Smith's career has been erratic, not an uncommon trait for the nerve-racking position of cornerback, the most exposed part of the defense.
This exposed part of the plant releases nutrients that can facilitate bacterial growth.
The more technical & exposed part of the climb begins at the Upper Saddle.
This is done, of course, so the more exposed parts of electrical apparatus can be kept at the same potential as the earth.
It covers the Batman's facial part as well, which is usually the only exposed part of his regular Batsuit.
This exposed part of the fuel cladding to steam.
Her legs protruded from the open door, the most exposed part of her, and he was terrified that one of them would catch a bullet.
The only exposed parts are a sealed plug connector and a drive fork, which is attached to a slotted disk internally through a bearing and seal.