The classes, which met twice a week for two hours each time, usually began with five minutes of expository writing.
Jake had trouble also in expository writing, and I became his mentor for this course.
The battlefield for all this is the course known as expository writing or freshman composition.
So expository writing must help them break through, to feel good about themselves, to give voice to their feelings.
He did rather well, however, in expository writing.
An idiot savant with a specialty in expository writing would never let such things happen, of course.
In it, students develop the "fundamental" skills of historical analysis and expository writing.
Here I had been teaching expository writing as if precision and definition mattered in a world that valued neither.
Other general education requirements include expository writing, wellness, foreign language, and one class each in six fields of study.
On a recent day, a freshman class in expository writing was meeting in the new room.