Though Damon's remarks about the president have been the most pointed, other celebrities have expressed disappointment, or at least mild disillusionment.
Nonetheless, Cooder expressed disillusionment with the music industry in response to its poor commercial performance.
Western diplomats in Rangoon said at the time that the protesters were expressing disillusionment with the Government, which had monopolized power and mismanaged the economy.
After long-deprived black citizens of the Deep South began to be elected to office, and some few had been caught in corruption, a friend expressed disillusionment.
Some have expressed disillusionment with Communism because of developments in Eastern Europe.
But many casino operators express bitter disillusionment toward their prospects over the next year, should a bad recession set in.
He said his son expressed disillusionment and became ever darker as he struggled to find his way.
The film includes comments from American soldiers on the ground in Iraq expressing disillusionment with the war, he said.
Your resolution expresses disillusionment with the dialogue procedure this year.
Miss de Portago expressed disillusionment over the priorities of some of her friends.