The day after the shooting, the Hawkins family released a statement expressing their condolences for the victims.
In an appearance that angered Nigerians, he expressed little sympathy for the victims.
He wanted to express his concern for the young victims of the war, particularly the orphans living on the streets.
He repeatedly expressed sorrow for the victims while never blaming the perpetrators.
It will be a good time to express concern for the victims and their families.
He said they had been provoked, but finally expressed sympathy for the victims after Western governments criticized him.
Iran's leaders denied any responsibility, expressed sympathy for the victims and quickly dropped the subject.
They expressed compassion for the victims as well as the priests.
I agree with everyone who has expressed sympathy for the victims, whose suffering is most regrettable.
Once again, I would like to express my sorrow for the victims of the demonstration on 21 January.