The pale eyes goggled, and the Adam's apple repeated its imitation of an express lift.
However, even though it is an express lift, fierce winds often keep the summit chair closed during the peak season.
But these lifts went no further than the forty-eighth floor, and only a Director with a smart-card could summon the express lift which went beyond.
As it was, he received stern, remanding looks from the other passengers in the express lift for the wide smile he couldn't repress.
Once in Tower 69, I pulled off the veil in the private express lift to the sanctuary on Floor 259.
I take an express lift to the level where the good doctor has his offices.
Robert's heart sank to his heels with the plummet swoop of an express lift.
Howard has the feeling that the floor is dropping away beneath his feet, as if he is in an express lift.
And a final treat as the African sun sped down in its express lift.
He took the ship down like an express lift but not without his usual caution and careful observation.