Gbagbo expressed enthusiasm on the occasion, describing it as "a great day for Côte d'Ivoire".
Balbillus as a priest, was honored as Eudemon's protector and he expressed his gratitude on the occasion to commemorate his patron.
This is not the sentiment I expressed in this column a year ago, on the occasion, now with us again, of camp visiting day.
Acknowledging your letter to V. K. we express our sincere joy on the occasion of resumption of contact with you.
He expressed his sympathy to Koichi Kato when his home was burned down and on the occasion argued for a reappraisal of his political record.
I am delighted to be able to express my congratulations to the Society on the occasion of its 40th anniversary celebrations.
The President's views were well expressed in his address to high school students on the occasion of Martin Luther King's birthday.
But because we share the same last name, I sent a letter to Madame Point in 1979, expressing my best wishes on the occasion of her 80th birthday.
He has succeeded in extracting from the 57 amendments our essential concerns, as expressed by our vote on the occasion of the first reading.
Mr President, the President-in-Office of the Council has referred to the feeling of distrust expressed by European citizens on the occasion of the recent elections.