The PCB expressed regret over India's decision not to participate in the championship.
Mr. Cortines said in an interview that he had recieved a number of phone calls from board members and other people expressing concern over his decision.
But according to Angelos, Schweitzer expressed the league's concerns over the Orioles' decision not to provide replacement players.
Today, several Democrats who had been under intense attacks because of the parole issue expressed relief over the Speaker's decision.
"I am writing to express our concern over your decision to derail the progress we have made," Goodenow said in the letter.
Today, Palestinian delegates and leaders expressed shock and surprise over Egypt's decision.
Tonight other abortion opponents expressed joy over the Mississippi board's decision, hugging each other.
In a joint statement, the two railroads expressed disappointment over the court's decision but did not signal their next move.
Many Guatemalans expressed anger over the Court's decision.
The rebels and the United States expressed regret over Luanda's decision.