The two women turn their pale faces to us, expressing weariness and resignation.
"The music expresses weariness, sadness and desperation, but with respect for the seriousness of the situation."
He expresses weariness with the obscure: "the inarticulate is not articulate, noise is not sound.
Today the dominant mood in the cities is malaise: most Chinese express not hatred for the Communist regime but weariness with it.
Vulnerable at the outset, Mr. Nureyev let his gestures poignantly express the protagonist's despair, weariness and final resignation.
With some exceptions, Albanians expressed weariness at the violence, and shame that Kosovo is still in the grip of advocates of terrorism.
By contrast the second version - almost a mirror-image of the first - expresses only justified weariness.
Longtime residents sometimes express weariness with the unceasing sounds of tearing down and building up.
The main lyrical themes of the album expressed pain, weariness, and frustration, "but not without the awareness that things need to change."
Many here express weariness with political machinations and the violence that can result from them.