The volume of a pressure washer is expressed in either gallons or litres per minute, often designed into the pump and not variable.
This also can be expressed (multiplying by the gravitational constant G in order to change units) as newtons per kilogram of attracted mass.
For this purpose, it is often expressed per head of population, which also brings problems of estimation.
If a carrier offers this option, the rate will be expressed as a dollar amount per male per year, and per female per year.
Rates of sickness absence are expressed per 100 person years.
If maternal deaths are related to the total population, they result in cause-specific mortality rate (generally expressed per 100,000 population).
Fineness is the actual gold content in a coin or bar and expressed as a "per mil," or thousandths.
It may be expressed per bond or on a per centum (per 100) basis.
The sign means that the rate is expressed per thousand.
When one considers two planar walls, the corresponding quantities are expressed per unit area.