Human HES5 gene binds to Notch receptor and expression of HES5 decreases during cartilage differentiation.
For example, the expression of an α1 or α2 c-terminal variant of SynGAP1 will either increase or decrease synaptic strength, respectively.
During culture, initially high expression of cE significantly decreased at 45 and 70 hours, and remained low at 94 hours.
In a development study on the transition from oligodendrocyte precursors to mature oligodendrocytes, expression decreased almost 100 fold upon differentiation into mature oligodendrocytes.
Increased expression of AChRs could decrease the dissolution of aggregates, thereby increasing aggregate size, density, and (over time) number.
She found that battling expressions of prejudice decreased effectiveness in other cognitive tasks.
In humans, the expression of such glycoproteins greatly decreases toward the end of the first trimester.
The expression of NCS-1 increases in bipolar disorder and some forms of schizophrenia and decreases in inflammatory bowel disease.
In contrast, ectopic expression of Sac3, but not that of a phosphatase-deficient point-mutant, decreases GLUT4 plasma membrane abundance in response to insulin.