She raised her black eyes from the gift to her son, and the expression in them deepened at the expectancy in his face.
The expression on his face deepened from reddened anger to black rage.
As he read, the expression of complete and utter mystification on his face only deepened further.
Alan's expression of concern deepened as the predicament was explained.
Kim's expression deepened to one of outright suspicion.
Gomez's expression immediately deepened into a frown, the lines marking her normally smooth skin.
The kid with the ponytail was still going through his pockets; the sullen expression on his face deepened each time he came up dry.
The apprehensive expression dawning on the mathematician's face deepened at the word "decide."
He noted that her expression of distress deepened.
The first nun spoke quietly and, as Cait watched, the sister's expression of concern deepened.