Maraklov erased the relieved expression on his face as T t'yak led him out of the communications center.
Note that exponentiation is not associative, so evaluating the expression in the other order will lead to a different answer:
My own research determined that nonverbal facial expressions led to remarkably high levels of perceptual accuracy.
One moment Joseph's expression led Kola to believe the young white man had enjoyed killing the thieves.
However, if wavelength is comparable to grating period this expression may lead to errors in up to 100% .
The expressions that are exchanged between the two lead me to conclude that this was not Tannery's idea.
Varying expression of PrP through the cell's life cycle has led to speculation on involvement in development.
Indeed, the expression of free opinions in Iraq has led to people being shot, tortured and stuck in jail.
He goes on to say, to quote him again, that 'the expression 'growth initiative' can lead to confusion.
The expression on her face led me to believe that she was angry about something.