Altered expression of these receptors can result in elevated blood glucose levels and affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
Also, ectopic expression of CXCR2 results in premature senescence via a p53-dependent mechanism.
Inappropriate expression of any of these genes may result in mild to severe forms of holoprosencephaly.
These expressions result in showing that etendue is conserved as light propagates in free space.
In other words, it is a fact which expression (concealment) would reasonably result in a different decision.
Despite this fact, an intense expression of dally+ results in the death of most of the Drosophila melanogaster's embryos.
The organization demonstrated to the people of the 'liberated' areas in no uncertain terms that open expressions of support for Sihanouk would result in their liquidation.
Although these expressions result in his own persecution, he emerges as a modern prophet with a combined political, cultural, and spiritual message.
Ectopic expression of miR-569 resulted in tumor cell proliferation and metastasis.
The expression of divergent interests has resulted in a rather shaky overall construction that contains certain inconsistencies, or even contradictions.