Art is Why I Get Up in the Morning: Unseen and Rare Pieces by Elisabeth Frink and work by four contemporary British artists who continue today in the figurative expressionist tradition.
While primarily a painter in the abstract expressionist tradition, he is also notable as a photographer and digital media artist.
As heirs to the expressionist tradition, the Antipodeans lauded a spontaneous, improvised approach to painting and saw the function of art as vested in its expressive potential.
Hedwig Marquardt (born Biere, 28 November 1884, died Hanover, 14 April 1969) is one of a small number of women artists whose work belongs to the German expressionist tradition.
She seems deeply ambivalent about the expressionist tradition in modern art: attracted to its emotional power, but repulsed by what she sees as its racist image of "primitive" sexuality.
In his cityscapes, he follows in the footsteps of George Hendrik Breitner and Willem Witsen; in his exotism, he recalls Marius Bauer, while his powerful touch connects the painter with the (abstract) expressionist tradition of painters like Eugène Leroy and Karel Appel.
Mr. Dominguez's art comes from an expressionist tradition based on an emotional, even visceral, interpretation of the figure.
In the main they are brightly coloured works in the expressionist tradition.
The string quartet on this EMI disc promises at first to be an effective and not unoriginal exercise in the expressionist tradition, but the end result is something of a disappointment.