An expressive image involves the arrangement and rendering of various scene elements according to photographer's desire.
It fulfils the essential requirement of an expressive image, which is to illuminate brightly and quickly.
Elsewhere, its attempted integration of theatrical images, both expressive and abstract, was more implied than realized.
The kind of disjunctive relationship that exists between the abstract sculpture and the expressive image it projects is also present in the large color photographs.
Wordless novels use sequences of expressive images to tell a story.
Her use of the ballet vocabulary is conventional but effective as part of an expressive image.
I believe that painters should integrate their own impression of a certain experience, observation and/or response in their work so as to create expressive images.
This face with its penetrating eyes and pearly skin is the most - perhaps the only - expressive image in the exhibition.
As always, structure is not used as form but is filled with expressive images.
Each sequence of flowing movements became an expressive image.