A consistent strength throughout the artist's career has been his gift for turning his expressive means into content.
The theme of his early paintings is connected with the searches for expressive means, forms of reflection of the reality.
Photography, which recorded the established patterns, would record their breakdown too, and in the 50's it was already devising expressive means to suit new circumstances.
In Desai's fictional worlds, food is often the most expressive means of communication between husband and wife, parent and child.
"In other words, expressive means of practicing inequality can be prohibited."
Tamiris believed that each dance must create its own expressive means and as such did not develop an individual style or technique.
"Whatever he touched he made significant and fascinating by the most legitimate and expressive means."
In search of new expressive means, a new visual language Solomoukha-painter more often use photograph.
Delaunay's fixations with color as the expressive and structural means were sustained with his study of color.
It consists of only fourteen poems, of amorous tone, whose expressive means are characteristically bécquerian.