In 1966 a plan was formally enacted for a 7,600 km national expressway network.
Special discounted fare for vehicles using only designated short sections of the expressway network.
The shift from rail to road can be attributed to the rapid development of the expressway network in China.
The total costs of the national expressway network are estimated to be 2 trillion yuan (some 240 billion US dollars).
Shanghai is a major hub of China's expressway network.
There will be a direct connection to the Vietnamese expressway network in the future.
China's expressway network is the longest Expressway system in the world, and it is quickly expanding, stretching some 85,000 km at the end of 2011.
Coupled with Bangkok's extensive expressway network, the motorways provide a relief from regular traffic in Bangkok.
The current expressway network covers major parts of Bangkok and suburban areas.
Limited roads, despite an extensive expressway network, together with substantial private car usage, have resulted in chronic and crippling traffic congestion.