When she saw the Mother and the Father in their fine linen and exquisite jewelry she let out a gasp.
Thus clothing takes on narrative functions, photographs transmute their ostensible subjects and common newspaper becomes the raw material for exquisite jewelry.
Over by the elevator was a glass case displaying exquisite jewelry from Harry Winston.
Women of means, however, spared no expense in adorning their clothes with exquisite jewelry and fine silk fabrics.
Throughout her lifetime, Kennedy acquired a large collection of exquisite and priceless jewelry.
Women designed books, posters, textiles and exquisite jewelry.
Her designer gowns and exquisite jewelry contribute cleverly to the total effect.
At this size, their hardbitten edge notwithstanding, they possess something of the intricacy of exquisite jewelry.
A trim, plain-spoken woman with bright black eyes and close-cropped hair, she wears sensible clothes and exquisite jewelry.
Fine pottery and exquisite jewelry show that daily life was enhanced by quality possessions, which were taken for granted by the population.