They have high praise for director Nishimura and "the exquisite look of the production," while Oniroku Dan's story is called "rudimentary... mean-spirited mayhem."
Because of her exquisite looks, she was her favorite.
Apart from my exquisite good looks, I was by now more sharp-set and unshaven, with my damp flight-knotted hair and cat-eyes.
Not with those blue eyes, her exquisite looks, and those ringlets of red hair.
Instead, adopting a worldly manner and an exquisite otherworldly look, he transforms himself into a darkly captivating roue who's seen it all.
While traditional grooming achieves to conform with breed standards set by the official breed associations, creative grooming heads to the opposite direction, creating a unique, sometimes exquisite look.
This diminutive, roughly hewn church still stands, although its present-day exquisite look is the result of recent restoration.
As before, he could recall nothing she'd said, only the exquisite look of her, the nubile perfection of her body.
His exquisite looks were ravaged, his memory - and his ability to remember lines - was shattered.
"Ah, but then I would have been denied the exquisite look on your face."