Would he not be astonished to find what he had purchased, a girl suddenly forced to reveal herself as a wild slave, exquisitely trained to please the senses of a master?
He tries to get into the mind-set, techniques and inner lives of these exquisitely trained men who have to have such split-second reflexes.
Every kind of maneuver had its special short, specific tune, and the troops were exquisitely trained to obey those calls at once.
The woman's voice, very sweet and exquisitely trained, reached them from a distance.
You want her because she was a Duke's woman, a symbol of his power - beautiful, useful, exquisitely trained for her role.
By the Night Court and by Delaunay, I have been exquisitely trained as courtesan and spy alike.
Brian usually went into the field with an exquisitely trained sniper under his command, and he knew what they did wasn't far removed from murder, either.
It is contract negotiation time at some of the nation's most important orchestras, when the world's most exquisitely trained musicians go into hard-hat mode and artistic administrations act like cost-cutting bosses.
In the early 1980s the Americans had come up with the right formula: a small, professional army, carefully selected, exquisitely trained, and lavishly equipped.
"He was exquisitely trained on the Borscht Circuit," comments the writer Kurt Vonnegut, who is a Mason-watcher.