Together they ruled over this land with a unique culture and language, contributing to the growth of some of the oldest extant literature in the world.
These early kingdoms sponsored the growth of some of the oldest extant literature in Tamil.
However, Wells concludes that the reconstruction of this historical figure from the extant literature would be a hopeless task.
There is no extant literature in the English language in this era.
Few medieval European languages can rival the volume of literature extant in Middle Irish.
According to extant literature, students use blogging in classrooms for different purposes.
With the extant literature of the Vril-ya the inflectional stratum commences.
It has the oldest extant literature amongst other Dravidian languages.
They state that, "The purpose of the present essay is to review the extant literature on feminist pedagogy to distill its basic principles."
The period covered by the extant literature of the Sangam is unfortunately not easy to determine with any measure of certainty.