The research extended to the interaction between private information and strategic behavior with the early study of information sharing among firms.
With that in mind, extending tax cuts more broadly among various income levels may have been more effective, he said.
But what was left open was how far this subservience still extends among the 24 million Iraqis.
And why does the secrecy extend to the categories of disease among the Soviet population?
Through that smaller opening she could see a line of horsemen extending out of sight among tall trees.
The company further extended the technology with light source products in instrument, entertainment, street, area and architectural lighting applications among others throughout 2007 and 2008.
Hence, metamaterials extend the material response, among other capabilities.
Its influence extends primarily to the art world, especially among the Pre-Raphaelites.
Curiously this popularity even extended among the ranks of his brothers.
The strategy envisaged undertakings to extend and support nutrition education among children.