Why not extend the school year by two weeks over summer and give the kids two week's holiday that they can book?
The bill will extend daylight saving time, beginning in 2007, by four weeks, to save energy.
It would also provide a one-time payment of up to $300 per person to many low-income workers and extend unemployment benefits by 13 weeks.
President Bush recently proposed spending $3 billion to extend unemployment benefits by 13 weeks for eligible workers.
Regular feeding will often extend the life of container-grown plants by many weeks.
Republican leaders then agreed to extend the provision by three weeks as part of the stopgap measure.
The department extended the filing period by six weeks and spent $10 million to advertise it.
The command added more flying hours to the pilot training program and extended the course by three weeks.
Sandilands was suspended for ten days without pay, and after a review on September 18, had his suspension extended by three weeks.
He extended his offer by two weeks on January 25, 2011.