Stepping off the plane, he is shot dead after extending erroneous greetings to a congregation of Arabs.
I extend greetings to all the Arab leaders, our brothers, and to all the world leaders who contributed to this achievement.
With a chase under way, The Shadow had seen no advantage in extending greetings, or giving explanations to the police.
The meeting was followed by a reception in an adjoining hall, where the president of the congregation extended greetings.
I extend greetings to all from the bottom of my heart.
I extend special greetings to the people of Cape Town, the city to which, which has been my home for three decades.
Ask for the chief, and then extend greetings.
He had to be on hand to extend official greetings.
Japanese waitresses in happi coats extend greetings at the entrance door.
Then, along with his wife and two of his sons, he plunged into the audience to pump hands and extend greetings.