The Court had repeatedly refused to extend sovereign immunity to municipalities (of which counties are a class), even when they exercised delegated state power.
"Of course, I didn't mean - " "When I alluded to extending immunity to police, firemen, hospitals, you didn't agree with that, did you?"
Democrats would, in turn, extend immunity to any Republican official found to have ties to the assassination, stop contesting elections for other state offices, and work to pass a nonpartisan election reform bill.
If you revive the captains and allow them to finish their meetings, I'll extend immunity to you from reprisals.
In the meantime, let us extend immunity to these stray visitors of ours until we have achieved a proper treaty with the Gringg.
In the 1970's, Barbados's delegate to the United Nations tried to extend diplomatic immunity to his dog, a German shepherd accused of biting his neighbors.
The decision was the first to refuse to extend sovereign immunity to officers of the state acting as individuals, a principle which would later become known as the "stripping doctrine".
Section 5 of the bill extends immunity from the civil and criminal jurisdiction of Trinidad and Tobago in respect of actions taken in the course of their official duties.
However, the Supreme Court in 2010 decided that the Act does not extend immunity to a government official acting on behalf of a state.
Revaccination extends immunity longer.