He's better on a small scale, as in a 21-by-26-inch picture of a child extending his tongue toward another tongue offered by a disembodied hand.
He tried to get Skoob to taste ginger, but the gunner was too far gone to extend his tongue.
Lizorr - A lizard mutant that can extend his tongue.
It has no power or speed whatsoever, but can extend its tongue to grab objects.
There were three of them left alive when she was extending her tongue for that special treat.
His lips were dry, no matter how often he extended his tongue to moisten them.
She extended her tongue, wagging it in his face.
She extended her tongue in a prim and clinical way, so as not to give the kid any wild ideas.
He can breathe fire and extend its tongue.
Extending her tongue and shifting forward, she managed to capture a drop of his essence before he could stop her.