Western reformers also wanted to extend suffrage to all white men, in place of the historic property requirement.
It was also in this period that Filipino women were finally extended universal suffrage.
Proposals to extend suffrage and other political rights to women were debated in the Lower House of the Diet, but failed to become law.
The Representation of the People Act 1928 extended equal suffrage to both men and women.
Chase recommended extending suffrage to the South's black population, but his recommendations were ignored by the Johnson administration.
Colorado was the second state in the nation to extend suffrage to women in 1894 after Wyoming.
During his administration, a constitutional amendment was proposed to extend suffrage to naturalized citizens.
On 16 May 2005, the Parliament of Kuwait extended suffrage to women by a 35-23 vote.
After the coup, the Shah introduced electoral reforms extending suffrage to all members of society, including women.
Despite his impassioned argument, Jay's motion for extending suffrage was overruled.